7 May 2016 Friday Hangzhou

The rain came. I looked out after pre-dawn computer grind, and everything was a soft glowing wet gray-green, the reflecting pool glimmering and agitated, the tree trunks etched black with the wetness against the lacy greenery of the oaks, the world a gray-green balm. 

Today was Water-Awareness Day. In the Chinese bathroom, the water pipes gurgle. The water gurgles when you turn first on the sink facet. In America, water just falls out of the sink faucet. In China the water gurgles inn soft puffs. I don’t know if this is a kink in Chinese water engineering or just this hotel or a kink in my imagination, but indeed, the water gurgles. When you flush the toilet, it gurgles for a long time.  it is like having tree frogs in your bathroom

In the shower, the water gurgles as it drains out of the floor. The shower head is directly over head, but there is also a wand you can use. If you cannot figure out the system right away, as I could not, and do not see the shower head directly overhead, as I did now, you have quite a surprise coming, particularly when the water is turned to cold. Then the cold water gurgles on and away.

The day was filled with incomprehensible Mandarin and sometimes incomprehensible and sometimes interesting photos and delicious food and, certainly, interesting people. In the evening, we were invited to supper at Lingyin temple. No meat, but who cares. Such food! No wonder they elect to be Buddhist monks at Lingyin. I know I had black dates and mushroom soup, rice and green vegetables, and so much more, all subtly sauced and flavored. After eating too much, we went to a splendid room in the second floor where only the dignitaries are invited and had tea that aids digestion. Smart move. 

It turns out, we were in the very room in which the 20G conference will be held. The very room. If I can download them in time, photos follow. Carved chairs and elegant wood walls and ceiling. Full bushes of pink and white orchids and a charming statue of the Goddess of Mercy  I was the only non-Mandarin speaker, but occasionally someone translated what was discussed. Despite the marvelous food, young recruits from China, Japan, and Korea and elsewhere come and often go,  Getting up at four in the morning is burdensome – I can understand that. Disapproving parents refuse to visit even tbe renown LingIn Temple. Maybe after the the 20G conference, they will feel differently.