Friday 6 November 2015
A catch-up day on the computer, studying and comparing the 1908 photos and correlating them with the events discussed in the Clarence James Gamble handwritten journal. (And I took a long nap.)
I had noticed initially that the Gamble photos vary greatly in their color tones, and on closer examination, I found that photos with similar tones can be grouped together.
After I had put together my first groups, I found that the various groups corresponded with the chronology of the itinerary of the Gamble visit.
Then I noticed that within the groups, photos could be further grouped according to the extent of detail to be seen and the style of lighting exhibited within the photo. This further confirmed the rightness of the correlation of the photos with the dates of events described in the journal, and then raised more questions. But that is what research brings: more questions.
I walked along Qingnian Road, on which our Bokai Hotel was located, and just down a bit and across the way is the WMCA, founded and built so many years ago in the nineteenth century with the help of the Presbyterians, clearly still functioning, as a hotel but perhaps without he strong Christian emphasis. Why did I not go in and see if they spoke English? Probably ont. The signs say WMCA, and peering through the gates into the courtyard, all appears well kept up and attractive..