14 November 2015 Saturday  上海 Shanghai to San Francisco Nonstop

14 November 2015 Saturday 上海 Shanghai to San Francisco Nonstop

Saturday  14 November 2015 How much can one learn about China in a two-week visit? A lot and not enough.  Mandarin is a forceful language. Speaking it requires full use of the entire mouth and the throat. The language, like the architecture, grows out of the fullness...
13 November 2015 Friday    Taxis & Buses

13 November 2015 Friday Taxis & Buses

上海 SHANGHAI Friday  13 November 2015 When you get off the long distance bus and step into a puddle with your white shoes and are standing in the rain without your umbrella because you cannot get it because it is still in the luggage compartment of the long distance...
12 November 2015 Thursday    Ling Yin Temple in the Rain. Again

12 November 2015 Thursday Ling Yin Temple in the Rain. Again

杭 HANGZHOU  Thursday  12 November 1015 So at seven in the morning, we are checking out of the hotel in Shanghai and arguing about whether to take metro (7 RMB, one hour and 20 minutes)  or taxi (200 RMB, one hour), when the desk clerk calls to another customer,...
10 November 2015 Tuesday    Shanghai Apple Store & Print Outs

10 November 2015 Tuesday Shanghai Apple Store & Print Outs

上海 SHANGHAI  Tuesday  10 November 2015 It seems silly to travel six thousand miles just to sit in a dowdy hotel room with terrible lighting all day. But there it is. Most of Tuesday was spent sitting in a dowdy hotel room with terrible lighting, puling together the...